senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Mesa

Do You or Your Aging Adult Believe Some of These Harmful Myths about Aging?

When it comes to aging, there is so much that people hear often and start to believe. Some of these things that we hear are actually myths and can keep your elderly family member in a state of mind that is far less healthy for her. Getting rid of these myths is a powerful way to help your senior family member age as gracefully as possible.

You Can’t Teach an “Old Dog” Anything New

This is one of those old clichés that just won’t go away. The truth is that your aging adult can still learn new things, such as how to exercise safely and what she can eat to help her health to improve. She might also find that she enjoys taking classes or learning new hobbies. Learning doesn’t stop with age at all.

Memory Loss Can’t Be Slowed or Stopped

If your loved one is concerned that she’s losing her memory or even developing more severe health problems related to memory, be sure to talk to her doctor. Once testing rules out anything serious, you can go about finding real solutions. Brain games and memory-building tasks can help quite a bit. Like any muscle, if it’s not worked out, the brain can stop working as well.

Aging Means Constant Health Problems

Just because your family member is getting older, that doesn’t mean that she has to cope with worsening health or even severe disability. If she’s not feeling well, she shouldn’t simply ignore that because “she’s getting older.” Your elderly family member can still experience good health, but she may need to pay better attention to it.

Everyone Else Is Busy with Their Own Lives

While it’s true that other family members are often dealing with their own issues and lives, that doesn’t mean that your aging adult is on her own completely. Between elder care providers and what help you can provide as her primary caregiver, you can help to meet your elderly family member’s emotional and other needs.

Your elderly family member doesn’t have to age in a way that’s harmful for her. She can continue to have new, fun experiences and take steps to keep herself healthier now.

If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in Apache Junction, AZ, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today: 480-377-6770.