senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of North Valley

READ MORETips for Celebrating the 4th of July With Senior Family Members

A person hold an American flag and sparkler

Patriotic holidays and celebrations are great opportunities for families to come together, have fun, and create lasting memories. While there are a few extra considerations to make when senior family members join the festivities, paying attention to detail and planning ahead can ensure a safe, engaging 4th of July for relatives of all ages. Here are three tips for making this year’s Independence Day celebrations fun and accommodating for seniors.

Plan for the Elements 

If the celebrating is to take place outside, it’s critical to consider the weather. Make sure that there’s enough shade available to keep senior family members out of the sun, especially if they have any conditions or are on any medications that make them extra sensitive to heat and light. Seniors should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, even if the day doesn’t feel too hot. It’s also a good idea to be ready to move the celebration indoors in case of bad weather, excessive heat, or other events. Seniors, in particular, will feel more comfortable knowing that, if they become uncomfortable outdoors, there’s an easy way to go inside for a little while to rest and relax.

Check-in With Seniors Frequently

The key to making a 4th of July celebration fun and safe for everyone is staying on your toes. Caregivers and family members should pay attention to how seniors are feeling and responding to the fun, checking in with them often and offering assistance as needed. Some seniors may enjoy loud music, lots of activity, and fireworks displays, but others may find them overwhelming, especially those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Be prepared to adjust the plans and have alternative activities ready just in case.

Plan Senior-friendly Activities

Senior family members will no doubt enjoy catching up with relatives, eating good food, and viewing patriotic decorations and displays, but there are additional senior-friendly activities that can liven up the party and get them more involved. Try bringing along a few cards or board games, planning sing-alongs to America-themed classics, or bringing the celebration indoors to watch a favorite movie. The more senior family members can participate, the more connected and comfortable they’ll feel.

The care team at SYNERGY HomeCare of North Valley is dedicated to helping seniors and their families live life to the fullest. To learn more about our senior and home care options, contact us online today or call 480-947-1234.