senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Denver

READ MOREWhat Should Your Family Discuss After Your Dad’s Stroke?

Senior Home Care in Centennial CO

Nearing 800,000 Americans have a stroke each year. About 610,000 of these are first-time strokes. Once your dad has a stroke, he needs to follow his doctor’s advice to lower the risk of having a second stroke. It’s important to talk about his care needs and the steps he needs to take going forward.

What Will His Recovery Entail?

In the first three months after a stroke, your dad will be in a hospital for a bit. He may be transferred to a rehabilitation facility where he’ll work with physical, occupational, and speech therapists to build strength and regain skills. Generally, he’ll be with doctors until he’s swallowing properly and not at high risk for aspiration pneumonia.

It’s very likely that your dad will take medications to control his blood pressure. His doctor will likely prescribe blood thinners. If he has high cholesterol, he may also need to take medications to lower his cholesterol.

Your dad cannot forget to take his medications. They’re essential in preventing additional strokes. If he’s likely to miss a dose, make sure he has someone available to remind him.

Medication Side Effects Can Be Problematic

As your dad experiences the side effects of his medications, he may find they make him lightheaded and easily exhausted. He may have a hard time keeping up with housework. Someone needs to be available to vacuum, sweep, wash dishes, dust, wipe down counters, and do the laundry.

Your dad will need others to change his sheets and towels, make the beds, and tidy up after a meal. He’s going to need people to cook for him, get his snacks, and refill his water glass. Senior home care services include light housekeeping, meal preparation, and laundry services.

Someone Else Needs to Do the Driving

After the six-month mark, your dad’s major improvements will have taken place. Progress after the sixth month is usually slower. He’ll continue to work with doctors and therapists, and he’s not going to be allowed to drive. Until he gets that clearance, he has to have someone available to drive him around.

Mobility Support Is Important

As your dad walks around his home after a stroke, he may require a walker or cane. He might need a wheelchair for longer trips. When he’s getting in and out of his wheelchair, walking to the bathroom, or going to his room, make sure he has someone to help him with ambulation.

Post-stroke care requires a team effort, and that team should include trained senior home care aides. You’re going to help your dad as much as you can, but you also have to know when to lean on others. Call a senior home care expert to make the arrangements your family needs during your dad’s recovery.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Centennial, CO, call the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Denver today. 303-756-9322