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Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Billings

5 Steps to Take After a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Senior Home Care in Shepherd MT

Millions of Americans find out later in life that they’re suddenly dealing with type 2 diabetes. Sometimes that can feel like punishment for having done the wrong things earlier in life, but that isn’t the case. What helps most is for your senior to have a plan for managing her type 2 diabetes in the best way possible. That might even involve bringing in a little extra help like senior home care.

Don’t Get Discouraged

It’s so easy to become incredibly discouraged after a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The reality is, though, that your senior didn’t do anything wrong and doesn’t have anything to feel bad about. It’s a lot easier for her to adapt to the changes coming her way if she’s able to try to put a positive spin on things. If she’s been feeling bad, for instance, at least now she knows why and has a plan for solving the problem. Understanding what she’s up against is going to empower her.

Knowledge Is Power

One of the best ways to help your senior avoid being discouraged about type 2 diabetes is for her to educate herself as much as possible. The more she learns about her health issues, the better able she is to face the challenges head-on. Talk with her doctor and consider working with a diabetes educator and possibly a nutritionist. As your elderly family member learns more about her unique needs as a diabetic, it

Tackle Dietary Changes

Dietary changes are the most common first step in managing type 2 diabetes. Your senior is going to start learning how the food she eats affects her blood sugar and therefore how she feels. Some of those changes may feel impossible at first, though. Having help from senior home care providers with meal preparation can really help her to feel better about trying new foods and new styles of cooking.

Get Moving, if Recommended

Another common recommendation is for people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes to start an exercise program. Your senior’s doctor can help her to determine if that’s right for her. When she is cleared to exercise, your elderly family member needs to find exercise that she enjoys so that it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Hire Senior Home Care Now

It’s a good idea to consider hiring home care providers now to help your senior. They can assist her with remembering to do things like test her blood sugar levels and take medications. Senior home care providers can help in a variety of other ways that make life easier as well. Beyond just being there as a friendly face, senior home care can also ensure that your elderly family member’s home is safe and that when she needs extra assistance with tasks, it’s there for her.

Becoming accustomed to a serious health condition like type 2 diabetes takes time. Your elderly family member can make faster headway when she’s got the help and support that she needs along the way.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Shepherd, MT, call the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Billings today. 406-839-2390