senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Billings

In-Home Care Helps With Six of the Most Common Chronic Health Issues

In-Home Care in Lockwood MT

After the age of 65, it’s normal to learn you have at least one chronic health condition. In fact, 40% of older adults have two or more chronic conditions. Learn more about six of the most common chronic health conditions and how in-home care offers the support your dad needs while dealing with them.


Around 6.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. In the early stages, your dad will be pretty independent, but that can change quickly.

One of the first things to change is the ability to drive his car. He needs someone to drive him as his motor skills and cognitive skills decrease. Your dad needs someone to remind him to take medications, cook his meals, and clean the home for him. In time, he’ll need help with hygiene, grooming, and toileting.


Arthritis is the most common chronic health condition in the U.S. It affects 24% of all adults and over half of all adults aged 65 or older. Severe arthritis pain impacts mobility and makes it hard to clean the house, do laundry, and even drive a car.

Your dad will find it helpful to have caregivers to support him when he takes walks, steps in and out of the shower, or even cook meals for him if he struggles with standing in place for extended periods.


One out of three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. Some cancers are easily treated if caught early. Skin cancer is one of them. Other cancers require treatments like chemo, radiation, and surgery.

If your dad has cancer, he will need someone to drive him to his medical appointments. He will need help at home with personal care, housework, and meals. He may need help taking care of his pets and scheduling appointments.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Around 37 million adults have chronic kidney disease and must carefully manage their salt intake and take medications daily. Some reach a point where dialysis is necessary. If your dad has kidney disease he may need someone available to bring him for dialysis treatments each week or even more often.


More than 37 million Americans have diabetes. If your dad is one of them, he may need help reading labels in the store to make sure he’s buying items that don’t contain hidden sugar. He may need someone to join him on walks to ensure he gets enough exercise.


Slowly count to 40. In around that amount of time, someone, somewhere in the U.S. has had a stroke. After a stroke, the amount of care your dad needs at home is tremendous. He needs help showering, cooking meals, cleaning his home, and getting out of bed or out of a chair.

Your dad needs someone to drive him around. He often needs help shopping, medication reminders, and assistance with toileting, too.

If your dad has any of these health conditions, it’s important to arrange in-home care services. Your dad has someone to help him with the things he needs to do when taking care of his health. Talk to an in-home care specialist to learn more.


If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Lockwood, MT, call the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Billings today. 406-839-2390